Domain Dispute Digest (Q4 2021): Record-Breaking Numbers

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No matter how you look at it, domain name disputes hit record numbers in 2021, and I’ve summarized all of the most important and interesting data in the fourth quarter report of GigaLaw’s Domain Dispute Digest.

I also discuss the Digest in a video.

As a chart in the Digest shows, domain name dispute cases rose for the eighth consecutive year at WIPO to reach yet another all-time high. By the end of 2021, cases at WIPO were up almost 30 percent for the year and had nearly doubled since 2013.

Further, based on the aggregated data that I’ve compiled and analyzed in the Digest from all of the active UDRP service providers, the trend is incredibly clear. The number of UDRP decisions issued in the fourth quarter of 2021 was up almost 37 percent versus the same quarter of 2020. Plus, because a single UDRP case can involve multiple domain names, the total number of disputed domain names rose even more steeply, by more than 51 percent.

And, it’s not just UDRP cases that are soaring, it’s also disputes under the URS, the Uniform Rapid Suspension System, which is the little-noticed policy that was designed for a new category of disputes after the new gTLDs began launching more than eight years ago.

For all of the details, download the Digest and watch my video.